Hello, How can I download the states boundaries layer and convert it to shp file? thank you

asked 24 May, 10:37

ohad_s's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you explain what you mean by "states"? Do you mean "countries in the world" or "states in a particular country that has individual states" (like Australia, Germany) or something else?

(24 May, 10:48) SomeoneElse ♦

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant countries in the world. Thanks, Ohad

(24 May, 14:29) ohad_s

One Answer:

@wambacher’s site was useful for boundaries.
See this recent query on the forum...

permanent link

answered 24 May, 16:29

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thank you very much

(26 May, 08:28) ohad_s

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question asked: 24 May, 10:37

question was seen: 106 times

last updated: 26 May, 09:28

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