I want to generate a OSM data for GraphHopper. I have many point coordinates just like

    id, name, x, y
1, road1, 108.000001, 25.0000001
2, road1, 108.000002, 25.0000002
3, road1, 108.000003, 25.0000003
1001, road2, 107.000001, 24.000001
1002, road2, 107.000002, 24.000002
1003, road2, 107.000003, 24.000003

How could I generate OSM roads with these points? I don't have the GPX data, because I got these point coordinates from a interface. The interface just return the data like above. ps: All of the road are two-ways.

asked 18 May, 07:59

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edited 18 May, 08:02

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question asked: 18 May, 07:59

question was seen: 66 times

last updated: 18 May, 08:02

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