Hi all, Is there any way to get multiple gps addresses by 'n' different lat lon values in a single call to OSM Regards, Kiran V |
Have a look at this page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Reverse_Geocoding_.2F_Address_lookup . Nominatim is handling only single query for reverse geocoding. Therefore, it doesn't seem possible. Lucas Hi Lucas, I have a scenario where i have to show address for all gps points. Nominatim is handling only single query for reverse geocoding there fore the response time to display all addresses is taking time. is there any way to solve this. Any suggestion? Regards, Kiran
(17 Jun '13, 09:32)
Hi Kiran, You don't control the process Good luck Cheers, Lucas
(17 Jun '13, 09:45)
You can query nominatim maximum 1 request per second, but Nominatim usage policy frowns upon bulk reverse geocoding. So you are very likely to be blocked if you constantly do one per second. There are other solutions, but they will cost you in time and money. 1
(for the avoidance of doubt) that Nominatim usage policy doesn't apply if you're making calls to a locally hosted copy of Nominatim using locally imported data, of course!
(17 Jun '13, 10:11)
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