Hello, The following happens to me, mark permission denied and I tried with sudo and without sudo also with sudo -u username ./utils / ..., but nothing

/srv/nominatim/build/Nominatim$ ./utils/setup.php --osm-file /home/ubuntu/Descargas/mexico-latest.osm.pbf --all --osm2pgsql-cache 28000 2>&1 | tee setup.log bash: ./utils/setup.php: Permiso denegado

asked 18 May, 22:02

edderantonio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:

If you have a 'Nominatim' directory inside a 'build' directory, then I'm confused. No part of the installation instructions create this directory structure. It should've been /srv/nominatim/Nominatim/build

Try logging in as user nominatim: 'sudo su nominatim' and then executing the script. And delete the file setup.log, maybe the file already exists and is write-protected (or owned by another user).

At some point helping from the other side of the world will no longer be possible, "permission denied" is a kind of error message a system administrator needs to be able to debug themselves, at least a bit. It's possible the software is too complex for your needs.

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answered 18 May, 22:10

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

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question asked: 18 May, 22:02

question was seen: 92 times

last updated: 18 May, 22:10

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