So, I'm currently mapping out my hometown, and we have a lot of these Soviet style apartment buildings where everyone lives in. Some of them are connected together with different "connector" bits. In some cases, it's just a brick arch, in some cases it's like a corridor that goes between them. And there's always a footpath going through on the outside. But in both of those cases, they are each a separate freestanding building, rather then a single building with building passage through it. Sometimes both buildings would have a single address, some times they would have a different streetnumber assigned to each.

How would you map? Draw a single building shape? Put a tunnel=building_passage under ?

Draw two buildings and connect them with the corner nodes? But then, it's not just a connecting point, it's an area.

Draw two buildings and draw the middle bit out separately, and put layer=1 on the middle bit? But what would the middle bit tags be?

This is the place, and one of them: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/111713800 alt text alt text

asked 05 May, 22:53

ivss_xx's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 05 May, 22:54

One Answer:

For the second one, I definitely use tunnel=building passage. For the first one, I would ignore the small piece at the top and just map it as a path (or footway) between 2 non-connected buildings, as it does not feel that the path is covered.

I guess that when you are mapping 3D buildings (or want to be more precise), you might want to map that small piece as well.

permanent link

answered 06 May, 08:12

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Would you map 2 buildings for the second one or one? I didn't think of it at first but I'm thinking now that I'm gonna do two buildings with connected nodes and add the overhang part to one of them.

(06 May, 11:02) ivss_xx

I tend to split such buildings only when they do have different house numbers. However, that might depend on the local situation.

(06 May, 13:40) escada

I'd definitely map them as separate buildings with the connector possibly as a third or as you suggest as part of one of them (either way you are going to need to tag this part separately). For the second I agree, a single building with tunnel=building_passage. I presume the connector contains some kind of infrastructural service such as heating or electricity

(06 May, 15:35) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 05 May, 22:53

question was seen: 158 times

last updated: 06 May, 15:35

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