I have been using https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/{z}/{x}/{y}.png (chrome developer error "GET https://c.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/7/35/51.png net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID") as a tile layer for several months now, and it quit working. My other tile layers are working fine. Can someone point me in the correct direction on who I need to contact? These tiles seem to be based in Sweden, is there a contact person in Sweden, or do I contact someone here? asked 02 Apr '19, 14:53 scottgeo |
Sorry all, we had a disk crash at openstreetmap.se. Due to easter this might take a few days. In wost case we'll have to reinstall the whole machine, that could take weeks. As always we recommend installing your own tile server using our open stylesheet for your business critical solutions. answered 10 Apr, 17:50 Karl Wettin Any update on when the tile server will be fixed?
(09 May, 02:57)
You'll have to contact whoever it is that looks after openstreetmap.se. It's not in any way related to openstreetmap.org, so the admins of openstreetmap.org won't be able to help. I've mentioned the problem in IRC; hopefully someone there knows someone who can fix it. http://openstreetmap.se/ has some contact information - you can try there too.. The site works just fine without https of course - you can change your tile layers to that temporarily if you want. answered 02 Apr '19, 15:27 SomeoneElse ♦ Looks like a temporary solution, I'll try to work without https until the problem is fixed, thank you so much!
(02 Apr '19, 15:31)
Rafael Berro
Hello guys, all tiles from tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/full/ are now returning 404 errors. Their server is not responding. Any idea who can we contact ?
(08 Apr, 08:28)
@Benjamin - the answer that you commented on said "I've mentioned the problem in IRC; hopefully someone there knows someone who can fix it. http://openstreetmap.se/ has some contact information - you can try there too". Did you try either of those things?
(08 Apr, 10:12)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi @SomeoneElse, Thank you for your response. Unfortunately as their server is completely down, I can't find any contact information, that's why asked. I was wondering if you still had the corresponding irc channel name maybe?
(08 Apr, 10:36)
Sorry if this leads like a "let me google that for you" response, but: Although the server is down now it wasn't in the past, and therefore we can see what it last said at https://web.archive.org/web/20191009220737/https://openstreetmap.se/om . That suggests talk-se, which has been active this month. Similarly the IRC channel is still there and has a dozen or so people in it, although it is not very active.
(08 Apr, 13:46)
SomeoneElse ♦
I'm facing the same issue, it looks like a problem with their certificate! Any solution? Our platform is broken.
It was fixed! I'll keep using http for a few days before use https again.