Hey, I tried to open my .osm file exported from openstreetmaps in Maperitive, but it loaded the map with many missing objects like roads, buldings, signs.. What am I doing wrong?


Exported area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/export#map=17/48.12504/17.10837

Opened map in Maperitive: https://ibb.co/RgQbLx9

asked 29 Mar '19, 14:29

thierrybb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

At first glance, it looks like you just don't have any rules for rendering *_link ways or buildings or they aren't working correctly. Can you put your rules in a text file somewhere online and give us a link to it?

(29 Mar '19, 15:51) alester

Thanks, here is the link for testmap.osm file which is giving me problems, together with maperitive .mrules I used. In fact, these rules are exactly the default ones, when I downloaded the app. I didnt change anything in the code.


(29 Mar '19, 19:49) thierrybb

One Answer:

Those features aren't showing up because the default rules aren't set up to show them.

In the case of the roads, the link ways aren't being shown because the rules don't include highway=secondary_link or tertiary_link ways. You can change this by adding rules similar to the existing ones for highway=primary_link or motorway_link.

In the case of the buildings, it looks like most of the buildings in that area have been given detailed building tags, like building=apartments or building=school. The default rules only look for building=yes. You could fix this by changing the building rule to the following:

building : building

...which would match any building tag.

permanent link

answered 29 Mar '19, 21:08

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 29%

Thanks so much! I figured out how to show missing roads and buildings, but I still have problems with displaying:

  • leisure pitch and leisure track - not showing at all
  • river - it suddenly gets really thin at some point https://we.tl/t-vgwpLq8Sul

Can you please help me with the right rules? Thanks!

(29 Mar '19, 23:23) thierrybb

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question asked: 29 Mar '19, 14:29

question was seen: 779 times

last updated: 29 Mar '19, 23:23

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