I'm trying to add just the names of parking lots to a names data set for our university. Using Overpass Turbo, I can extract a geojson file using the wizard by having it look for "amenity=parking and name=" This identifies the parking lots I need and I run the Overpass query and export the resulting geojson file. When I import the geojson file into the dataset in Mapbox, it imports the parking lots as polygons, where each polygon has a tag "amenity=parking" and "name=" However I'd like the parking lots to be represented only by its name in the center of the polygon. Is there a way to convert a polygon to a point in Mapbox or in the geojson file, or is there a way to have Overpass Turbo identify a lot, but only export it's name and location? |
This outputs the centre of each parking place.
Disclaimer - not tried importing it into mapbox, apologies if this is a red herring. It worked perfectly! Thanks. Funny, I had generated almost exactly the same thing using the wizard but instead of "out center;" it had "out body;" That made all the difference. Thanks!
(05 Feb '19, 14:49)
I generated this using the wizard then edited the bit at the botton. I often use "out center" a lot (UK readers note the spelling!). E.g. if I want to know where POIs are but am not interested in layout of the building.
(09 Feb '19, 11:02)