I already know how to show a single GPX recorded track in iD editor. Either by loading the file in the editor "map data" section under custom map data, or by clicking "edit" on a track I uploaded into my account. The problem is I can only do it for one GPX track at a time. FLASH based Potlatch could display several tracks simultaneously, allowing me to select which ones to display. How can I do this in iD editor, explicitely loading and showing multiple user selected GPX tracks? Joining tracks with external program prior to upload is not a viable answer. Thank you. |
Yes - that does seem to be working again. There was a period when public traces either weren't appearing or were but only arratically, but here (turn the GPX layer on) there's exactly the trace that was walked just after Christmas.
(05 Feb '19, 16:10)
SomeoneElse ♦
I think the answer is "you can't". See the links from here.
permanent link
This answer is marked "community wiki".