My original goal is it, to get nominatim access from a windows application, where users can search for places etc. We are doing this since many years quite well with other providers (with google, bing, mapquest etc.) and i wanted to add nominatim as well. This is a c++ application on windows using boost::asio for https / https access. https works well for all other services. If I, instead, use wget, I get a "Unable to establish SSL connection." error (other question entry). I did further inspections on access from my application. Indeed i get a "blocked" result:
Why is this the case? I did not attempt any bulk requests. In total maybe some 10. Do i need a additional header field to my request? |
Only 10 requests feels a bit strange to me, too - however, probably others have used the same library to access nominatim before you and may be using the same identification. Let me cite : "Provide a valid HTTP Referer or User-Agent identifying the application (stock User-Agents as set by http libraries will not do)." You should set a custom HTTP User Agent and Referer for your application. Maybe simply its website (which would offer a possible way of contacting you in case the service operators see any problem). 1
I added a Referer and individual User-agent. Indeed the blocked result disappears. Working as expected! Thanks.
(30 Nov '18, 11:10)