Hello I am looking for way how can i check with coordinates type of place for example 50.064317, 19.948575 is it building, street or some field? I am using leaflet too Best regards |
The technical term for what you are trying to do is "reverse geocoding". Likely the easiest way to that with OSM is to use nominatim https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?q=50.064317%2C+19.948575&polygon_geojson=1&viewbox= If you are thinking of using this in a bulk mode please adhere to the aup https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim/ , our data licence https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ#What_is_the_licence.2C_how_can_I_use_it.3F and our general terms of use https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use I have too much operations, so this way is not good :( Is there another option to load all building in some layer and then check without connection ?
(23 Oct '18, 12:17)
Reverse geocoding only works well for addresses and POIs. It doesn't really work for "fields", buildings without addresses and other objects which don't really fit into the POI category. Overpass API might be the better choice.
(23 Oct '18, 12:20)
scai ♦
@scai I cannot find any toturial how to use Overpass API with react or/and leaflet.. can u tell me briefly how to get info about type of pattern (grass/building) with overpass?
(23 Oct '18, 15:10)
Looks like there are multiple Leaflet plugins available for Overpass API. I've never used both together so I can't recommend a specific one. But you should find multiple examples when using your favorite search engine.
(24 Oct '18, 08:15)
scai ♦
@scai, I wonder whether the around function is the solution for the OP's problem. One has to specify a "distance" around the current point to find polygons in the neighbourhood of the give point. The will also give nearby objects, not just enclosing objects. Or do you have something else in mind ?
(24 Oct '18, 11:14)
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I use overpass with leaflet and i have something like this first checking nodes of clicked point
queryOverpass( and then beacuse i use radius (so this is approximately ) i am using leaflet function
Maybe it will help somebody |