Hi everyone,

We recently installed our own tile server based on this manual. All went well and everything is running fine. The one issue is that its slow rendering. When we insert a small map then rendering is as fast as google maps for example. But when we load a big map like europe (this is our goal) rendering is slow. How slow? my browser gets 404 errors on the .png files.

Of course its a matter of fine tuning im sure, but I don't know where to start. Below are the specs of my server:

  1. Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
  2. 2x 12 core cpu with hyperthreading (48 threads available in total)
  3. 64GB Memory
  4. 1.5TB all SSD storage in RAID 1+0

So all of this should be enough to make it perform. I hope you guys can help :)

Greets, Jeffrey

asked 11 Oct '18, 15:35

Jeffrey%20Jaspers's gravatar image

Jeffrey Jaspers
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Oct '18, 02:35

kocio's gravatar image


One Answer:

I'm not surprised - rendering zoom levels z0-z12 on OSMF servers takes many hours on proper machines too (look at machines described as "Tile server" on https://hardware.openstreetmap.org), because a lot of data needs to be read from a database and then get the right look. That's why they are pre-rendered only 1-2 times a month (in the middle of the night, when the demand for tiles rendering is much lower). Whole Europe is visible on ~z4, so that's probably the case.

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answered 18 Oct '18, 02:34

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 11 Oct '18, 15:35

question was seen: 1,599 times

last updated: 18 Oct '18, 02:35

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