Hi, I use ID. In a village in Argentina, my GPS told me I was driving on the left side of the road (the road is in 3 parts : the left side, a separation with grass and the right side with one way directions). Then later it told me stupid things because it believed I was on another road than the one I was on and I needed to stop my car to understand where to go. I upload my GPS track on OSM and I can see that all the village was made with satellite view of Bing but the images are 5 or 6 meters from the real places : so all the village is at a bad place on osm. The village is great on osm : a lot of POI, lines (roads), polygons (buldings). My question is very simple : is there a way to select all the objects in the bad area then to move all the objects at once ? Best regards Fred |
I found the answer by myself... in the tutorial : Shift + selection with the mouse of all the objects I wanted. Not so good because at the nodes it makes strange things and because the village is quite big so some objets were out of the limits of editor. But after a big control all is ok for this village ! The RN40, a very important road in Argentina, goes through this village so I hope your GPS will be happy now ! meta: I have selected your answer as the "accepted" one, hope you do not mind.
(07 Feb '19, 19:33)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Not a direct answer but for selecting and moving many objects you should better switch to the editor JOSM.