For the first there is no good reason to delete an account. If you do not want the account any more you may just stop using it. For the system to be credible everything is verifyable by anybody. For this reason every change is stored and related to an account and it is easy to access that information. For instance anybody can verify the points of a user by checking who voted on his posts and see if the numbers add up. If you would be to remove an account you would have to delete all posts and votes to make the system verifyable. That would not be fair to anybody. If you realy want to delete your account you can try to contact one of the system administrators with a realy good reason to have your account removed. Depending on your reason and the administrators state of mind you may get your account removed. 1
Tell you what, you tell us why you want to delete it, and we'll tell you if that's a good enough reason. :)
(18 Jul '11, 13:42)
Jonathan Ben...
We definitely should make even clearer, when one creates an account, that whatever follows will be public and un-erasable. So that in such cases the answer would be, 'just leave, possibly updating your email here to a fake one, but consider everything you did on this account is public and will stay so'
(19 Jul '11, 21:05)
Sorry you wish to leave,You'll find info here 1
note that that question is mainly about the main OSM account. However, the sysadmins should still be able to help, yes.
(27 Dec '14, 00:01)
aseerel4c26 ♦