I'm making requests to reverse nominatin service to get address. In the response in JSON format I get an object like that:

{"place_id":"1250030","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:\/\/www.openstreetmap.org\/copyright","osm_type":"node","osm_id":"5112376117","lat":"51.712222","lon":"39.1557368","display_name":"Ангстрем, 44, бульвар Победы, Северный, Коминтерновский район, Воронеж, городской округ Воронеж, Воронежская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 394077, Россия","address":{"furniture":"Ангстрем","house_number":"44","road":"бульвар Победы","suburb":"Северный","city_district":"Коминтерновский район","city":"Воронеж","county":"городской округ Воронеж","state":"Воронежская область","postcode":"394077","country":"Россия","country_code":"ru"},"extratags":{},"boundingbox":["51.712122","51.712322","39.1556368","39.1558368"]}

Where can I find the complete list of every possible fields of "address" object? In this example there are: furniture, house_number, road, suburb, city_district, city, county, state, postcode, country and country_code.

asked 17 Jan '18, 14:30

gsv91's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jan '18, 14:32

One Answer:

You can use this as guide for the most common fields https://github.com/OpenCageData/address-formatting/blob/master/conf/components.yaml There are hundreds of others, in this case 'furniture'. But also 'restaurant' or 'bank'. Those you can usually treat as the name of a place (or ignore).

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answered 17 Jan '18, 15:15

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Wouldn't it be better to look in the Nominatim code instead ? Isn't OpenCage another geocoder, which might show different fields ?

(17 Jan '18, 15:21) escada

The address-formatting library works for multiple geocoders, including Nominatim. Usually the question for all fields comes up when a user wants to create formatted address strings. But you're right, I was making assumptions.

The relevant Nominatim code is https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim/blob/6c1977b448e8b195bf96b6144674ffe0527e79de/lib/lib.php#L63

(17 Jan '18, 15:30) mtmail

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question asked: 17 Jan '18, 14:30

question was seen: 2,958 times

last updated: 17 Jan '18, 15:30

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