Hi, I'm currently working on an application which returns the speed limit of the road a user is travelling on based on their longitude and latitude. I am currently doing this through two calls. The first is to nominatim using the reverse geocoding feature to get the osm id. The second call is then to overpassapi to get the max speed of the road. Is there a way I can limit it this to one call using either of these services or maybe another service I am unaware of? Any help on the matter would be appreciated. Sample calls: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=53.95090&lon=-6.37792 http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];way(144887813);out; J |
Perhaps you could retrieve all roads around your current location with Overpass' around function, so you do not need the Nominatim call ? 1
Yes I have been looking into this function and it does seem to be more suitable, rather than making the two calls. Thanks for your help!
(04 Mar '17, 23:22)