For the 4th time of attempting to post.... I'd like to make and sell framed maps of the birthplace of people. I can do this by printing out small sections of their birth areas in OSM and printing it off and framing it. Is this allowed by OSM? |
OSM data is free to use for any purpose, including commercial use, use is governed by our distribution licence, the ODbL, see
for more information. Short version: yes. 1
@scai not really is the official version
(21 Aug '16, 10:09)
SimonPoole ♦
But is it fair to use OSM data commercially?
(12 Sep '17, 20:53)
Sergey Karavay
The help site is not intended for general discussion, please discuss such matters on a mailing list or forum.
(12 Sep '17, 21:13)
SimonPoole ♦