how can i manage, that a marker appears in my (jpg)-download ?

asked 07 Mar '16, 09:58

Ralfo9380's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Mar '16, 10:16

Lightsider's gravatar image



Assuming you're talking about the main openstreetmap.org site, can you please add what buttons you are actually pressed there?

(07 Mar '16, 10:10) SomeoneElse ♦

share include marker download

(07 Mar '16, 10:18) Ralfo9380

2 Answers:

Your question is somewhat brief, but I'm assuming that:

  • You're using the main openstreetmap.org website
  • You found an object (street, building, etc) using the search function, which highlights it on the map You added a marker to the map using the "include marker" toggle (in the "Share" menu)
  • You exported a picture of the map (as JPG, using the "Share" menu), but the marker is not visible object is not highlighted

Is this correct? If not, please update your question.

If so, then I'm afraid that the export function removes markers. If you'd like a map with an object marked, then I suggest you take a screenshot. Alternatively, you can use a service like UMap to create a custom map with your own markers.

permanent link

answered 07 Mar '16, 10:16

Lightsider's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

edited 07 Mar '16, 10:23


yes, right description, thanx for information!

(07 Mar '16, 10:21) Ralfo9380

When i sent this to my mailbox it gave a link and a marker. ( using win10 PC) https://osm.org/go/eu626hHs?m=

If that doesn't work for you do a screen grab and send that, or use windows snipping tool and save that as a jpeg

(30 Jan, 16:59) andy mackey

Hi Ralfo9380,

When you click the "Share" button, there are three different options for sharing:

  • Link or HTML
  • Geo URI
  • Image

The "Include marker" checkbox is part of the "Link or HTML" sharing -- it will generate a special version of the https://openstreetmap.org map URL which will include a blue marker at the center of the map.

The "Download" button at the bottom is part of the "Image" sharing. It creates an image file of the current map for you to download -- but it does not include the marker, since that's part of the "Link or HTML" share function.

If you want an image file that includes the marker, I'd suggest you just generate the link using the "Link or HTML" function, go that page, and take a screenshot.

permanent link

answered 31 Jan, 17:53

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 07 Mar '16, 09:58

question was seen: 1,875 times

last updated: 31 Jan, 18:26

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