I want to download OSM data in *.shp format for specified region with specified tag (in example highway). There are any web services for doing that or I should write a script? |
There are some web sites where you can download ready-made shape files (e.g. extract.bbbike.org, download.geofabrik.de) but you cannot choose which tags you want. If you want to create your own shape file, download the OSM data in .osm.pbf format and then use e.g. osm2pgsql to import to PostGIS, then pgsql2shp to create shape file, or use a modern version of ogr2ogr to convert from pbf to shp directly. More: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shapefiles 2
If the "region" isn't too big, using Overpass-Turbo might be easier. For example, download all highway ways: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/cPW . Then use QGIS for conversion to SHP.
(20 Nov '15, 07:18)
joost schouppe