Hey, I want to get all existing points of interest in a city like e.g. New York. Is there a simple way to do that and get it as an XML file? I already tried this search: "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=new+york[hospital]&format=xml&polygon=0&addressdetails=1" But I don't know how to eliminate the term "hospital" so that I get all the POI in new york. Is there a way to do that with this tool or do I need a completely another way? Thanks in advance :) Sebastian |
For a similar task, I have used a combination of Osmosis and Osmfilter:
4 . filter the resulting XML using osmfilter:
The above will give you everything tagged "amenity" - this should cover many POIs; check the OSM wiki for other tags which you may want to see. 1
You can probably replace the bounding box with a poly file to cut just the city you want. A good source for polyfiles straight from OSM boundaries is https://wambachers-osm.website/boundaries/
(26 Jun '15, 09:27)
joost schouppe
Good point - wanted to keep the answer simple.
(26 Jun '15, 15:04)
Please try the search feature of this FAQ site und use keywords like "export POI" or similar ... there have been already several questions like yours ... and good answers. |
Thank you for your answers :) I have decided to use the .osm files and write my own parser for them, because I need to automatize the whole step with JAVA EE. |
Did you checked out already http://overpass-turbo.eu ?