I simply want to download a routable map of the Dominican Republic to mapsource on my computer. I want to select VIEW-SWITCH TO PRODUCT and see my Dominican Republic map in the list. What are the steps I need to take? Thanks for your help. |
(based on BCNorich's answer) For example download a map from http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ :
OpenStreetMap data is distributed under a free license, so everybody can make maps based on this data. You will find other Garmin download options at https://help.openstreetmap.org/tags/garmin/?sort=mostvoted and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download Thanks aseere14c26. That was the hint I needed. I checked my mozilla browser and the javascript was enabled but the download link still wasn't visible. Then I tried google chrome. Using that browser the download link appeared on the page and I got my map. I never would solved the problem without your answer.
(15 Jan '15, 02:33)
@artlocks: thanks for the feedback! I guess you have some strange settings in your Mozilla (so, likely not really this browser's fault). I tested it with my Mozilla Firefox and had no problems.
(15 Jan '15, 02:49)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Yes aseerel4c26 is correct about the Doninican Republic selection, I hadn't seen that, DR is way down the list of the North America drop down.
(15 Jan '15, 07:16)
For info - there was a bug that stopped "download" appearing on the garmin.openstreetmap.nl site, but it is fixed now:
(15 Jan '15, 10:11)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi, do a Google search for "osm maps garmin for Dominican Republic", you should find a site called " http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ ". All instructions are there somewhere. Regards. Thanks for you answer but I have been round and round and always end up at that site http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/ It seems straightforward but when it gets to the step "Request your map or download it directly:" there is no link to request a map or download directly. I can select what I want just fine, but how do I actually get it? I hit every link on that screen even if it makes no sense. The frustrating thing was I got a map of Oman 2 years ago from open street maps, but i don't know what changed.
(14 Jan '15, 14:46)
Hi, I was going to give instructions but now see something is broken on the site. Wait a bit.
(14 Jan '15, 18:21)
Hi, it's working again now! When you have selected the tiles you need/want a couple more boxes appear at " Request your map or download it directly:" first one is for the input of your email address, second a click button to "Build my map" Email address in then click the button. You are then sent to a new page which tells you what happens next, two emails are sent to you. Regards |