Hi, My web page embeds a common OSM map, which doesn't work now (yesterday it was ok), since all requests of type *.tile.openstreetmap.org (e.g., http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/10/637/386.png) are timed out. I tried to ping with the following results:
The service is down for almost 12 hours (starting from this morning), please deal with this. Thanks! |
With a bit of luck (based on comments on #osm-dev) this might start working again shortly.
permanent link
This answer is marked "community wiki".
FWIW, the server from which your tiles are served seems to work for me:
What does a traceroute have to say?
Thanks for quick response, SomeoneElse. I think this is a political issue, since I request the tiles from Armenia, whereas tile.openstreetmap.org redirects to baku.tile.openstreetmap.org (to Azerbaijan). It seems, they blocked all requests from Armenian IPs... So, I guess it's totally against OpenStreetMap's policy!