How do I use the osm tile map server in mapinfo 10.5? What do the .tab and .xml files have to contain? What does the projection data look like? |
OpenStreetMap tiles are in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 (EPSG:3857). The origin is top left. The URL layout is I've never used MapInfo, but a likely good starting point is to modify an existing .tab/.xml setup designed for Google Maps or similar map service. The OpenStreetMap Tile server has a usage policy:
permanent link
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Thnx The documentation of MapInfo is not very elaborate on it : V 10.5 has Bing incorporated, and further the documentation just says OSM is fully supported. So from the Bing files and the info of Firefishy I produced : TAB file: !table !version 1050 !charset WindowsLatin1 Definition Table File "open_street.xml" Type "TILESERVER" CoordSys Earth Projection 10, 157, 7, 0 Bounds (-20037508.343,-20037508.343) (20037508.343,20037508.343) and XML file : [?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?] [TileServerInfo Type="LevelRowColumn"] [Url]{LEVEL}/{ROW}/{COL}.png[/Url] [MaxLevel]18[/MaxLevel] [TileSize Height="256" /] [AttributionText Font="Font("Arial",3,12,0,16777215)"]OpenStreetMap[/AttributionText] [/TileServerInfo] This works fairly well, but it has the same problem as I had with Bing (which promted my efforts in the first place) : the produced maps are not very sharp, they appear somewhat fuzzy at any zoom level. Probably has to do with resolution of mapwindows in MapInfo, compared to the downloaded tiles : I suppose I have to somehow adjust the MapWindow to multiples of 256 pixels or so ... Not sure on how to go about that : Any ideas are welcom By the way, I am a very light user. jp_osm |