First thanks to everyone who tried to answer my previous question. What I want to do is, I am visiting the USA for a holiday I wanted a map of New York on my new Windows 8.1 notebook so I could navigate around New York, when I leave New York to travel to Niagara Falls I want to download a map covering the areas I will be traveling through, followed by a map of Niagara. In short I want to download a map and view it offline, I have MapPoint and Streets and Trips both by Microsoft but they do not work with Windows 8.1. I have not yet found any decent maps that work with Windows 8.1. |
First I can't tell anything about Windows 8.1 compatibility, as OSM has to much FLOSS projects and support of newest windows version isn't a top priority. So you need to test the tools on your own. I guess what you are looking for is a solution with
Thus if you filter the desktop software you will find some candidates that are known to work for the most people:
This is a subjective selection, also I hope that I didn't miss any important candidate. meta: that's what I meant in my comment above: I think this answer should rather be in the older question as this one is a duplicate except the 8.1 thing. Do you disagree?
(25 Jan '14, 18:25)
aseerel4c26 ♦
D'ouh you are right, this is fairly redundant -.-
(26 Jan '14, 08:19)
so, go on and add your answer to the older question instead (which may also have more inbound links). Here we could have answers really focussing on Windows 8.1.
(26 Jan '14, 12:27)
aseerel4c26 ♦
you do not mention the need of routing. Is that irrelevant?
There is the older question offline-map-software-for-windows which is quite similar, although not specific on Windows 8.1.
meta: I do not know if that make such a big difference: most older Windows programs will likely also run. Hence I guess it might be useful to not open a new question with a list of answers here. Thoughts?
By the way: In addition or as a replacement of your notebook, I recommend using a handheld mobile device (a smartphone or tablet; with GPS built-in) for your usecase. There are many good OSM apps with offline maps, POIs and routing for Android and iOS.
I'm guessing that relatively few people here have exposure to Windows 8.1, so it would be really useful if you could post back here with any results (even if it's only "I tried X, Y and Z and they don't work on Windows 8.1 because of error A, B and C" or "I tried D and E and they run, but don't really do what I want").
All I want is to download maps to view offline when I cannot get an internet connection. Can I do this on this site.