Xapi will give me such a list, but I have to download the objects themselves. For relations it's even worse: xapi not only gives you the relations but all the elements.

So how would I get, for instance, a list of all relations with network=US:US?

asked 16 Jul '10, 06:11

NE2's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

One Answer:

The API has a search method that you can use for this. The request to use in your example would look like this:


This is little known and little used because unlike XAPI, it does not support bounding box queries so you will always find all objects, world-wide, that match your request. (The same request works for ways or nodes if you replace "relations" accordingly in the query.)

This query will return the matching objects, but not referenced objects (i.e. no nodes in ways or members in relations).

The request is documented on the Wiki but for some reason it has not made it onto the API 0.6 page.

permanent link

answered 16 Jul '10, 07:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 24%

Exactly what I wanted. Thanks :)

(16 Jul '10, 10:52) NE2

Now wait a second. I don't remember what happened yesterday, but I downloaded that query today and it's incomplete. For example, relation 112245 is missing.

(16 Jul '10, 23:50) NE2

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question asked: 16 Jul '10, 06:11

question was seen: 6,632 times

last updated: 16 Jul '10, 23:50

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