In the US, we have a lot of address that have two house numbers associated with them: a house number and an apartment/unit/lot/suite number. The number on the front door is always the more specific apartment/unit/lot/suite number, though sometimes the more general street house number is included as well. For manufactured homes in a mobile home park, there is often one house number for the whole area and then each house gets a lot number. For example, the street address of a house might be: 25 Maple Street Lot 7 More likely than not, the number 25 will not be on the house at all, but only the number 7. So that would lead me to believe that we can use a way with building=yes, addr:housenumber=7 and addr:street=Maple Street, but the street address 7 Maple Street would be somewhere else entirely, so it seems like the 25 part of the address needs to be captured some way. Alternatively, you could tag every house in the subdivision with addr:housenumber=25, but then you could differentiate the houses from each other. Another example is townhouses where you have things like 25 Maple Street Unit 3 In this case, you probably don't have separate buildings, so you can put building=yes, addr:housenumber=25 and addr:street=Maple Street on the way for the building, and you can put addr:housenumber=3 on the node for the entrance to unit 3, but again how do you avoid confusion with the house at 3 Maple Street? |
The general consensus on addr:* tags now seems to be to put the main number in addr:housenumber and the minor number in addr:unit. In the example above for 25 Maple St Unit 3, we would have the following:
What I do where a building contains multiple apartments is to tag it with addr:housenumber or addr:housename to indicate the address of the block, and then add addr:flatnumber to indicate which apartment numbers exist in the building. So you would have something like:
or, if the block is named:
I think the wiki also has a tag for specifying how to interpolate the flat numbers if the block only contains odd or even numbers. I'll add the links in my answer instead. Too hard to use these fields..
(21 Jan '11, 09:10)
There seems to be many ways to do this in the wild, while searching I've seen:
But I still think this is a general problem, there exist many places that have only one housenumber or address but include many sub addresses.
Perhaps something like:
permanent link
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Can't you use something like I would probably do a separate node for "addr:housenumber=25" and then add tag the lots with addr:housenumber=Lot 7; addr:street=Maplestreet 25
(20 Jan '11, 21:45)
I think you should not put the number in the addr:street tag because this will cause problems for navigation programs. The might not find the address and / or housenumber.
(21 Jan '11, 11:06)
makes sense.
(22 Jan '11, 09:22)