Hello there, i'm working on an excel based VBA tool. The tool is offering a function to show a map of germany with different locations of companies. To locate the companies I want to get the latitude and longitude of each company with an extract of a .xml response. I got it running with the google api, but want to change it wo openstreetmap. Is there something like this in openstreetmap? For example: http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?sensor=false&address=Marienplatz+1+Muenchen&language=de this url is giving me a xml file where I can extract the latitude and longitude from. Thanks for your help! Jan |
We have nominantim for that. See the wiki at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim for more information. Note that you must not use this for "batch geocoding" i.e. it is ok to find the location for a single business but you are not allowed to run through a long list of addresses and geocode them all at once (see the usage policy linked at the bottom of the Nominatim page). |