I'm using marble (http://marble.kde.org/index.php). I want to learn how to use it offline: I want to download maps from openstreetmap, and then show gps tracks on these maps (that i do now, but in an online way). can someone please refer me to a place that wxplains how to do that? thanks |
Another option is to download a country extract in .osm format, since recent versions of marble can render that directly. It's a bit slow (only use small extracts) and not as pretty as a mapnik rendering, but it works. Really? I never discovered that feature. How do you get to render it? Just open the OSM file?
(20 Dec '12, 08:37)
Yes, just go to file->open. The file probably needs to be uncompressed, and certainly needs to be rather small. Marble can read osm, shp, gpx, kml, and one or two other formats I think.
(21 Dec '12, 13:11)
Vincent de P... ♦
I'm a bit confused - I cant seem to find .osm files, but a osm.pbf files. marble can't open osm.pbf files.
(23 Dec '12, 11:55)
You can find bz2 packaged osm files from here: http://download.geofabrik.de/openstreetmap/ As you may need even smaller extract, then you can export it directly from Openstreetmap main server: Zoom to your desired area on osm.org Click on the Export tab on the top of page Choose option Openstreetmap data as xml Click on export button Or you may use Osmosis to apply a bounding box to a bigger extract.
(23 Dec '12, 12:30)
You can download map regions, see this documentation. But please be gentle to the servers. If you download an area that's too big, you will be blocked. If you want more, you can also set up your own rendering, and use it with Marble. But that would require a quite heavy computer, and it's not documented how to achieve it in Marble (because they are afraid people will use it to display proprietary maps). 1
thanks Sanderd17, but in this link, the only way do download maps is threw Marble itself. Is there a way to download maps threw openstreetmap or some other way what doesn't make me install marble?
(13 Dec '12, 16:34)
Well, the downloaded maps are just images under ~/.local/share/marble/maps for Linux or data/maps in the marble installation location for Windows. You can download the tiles with any tile downloader found on the wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:Tile_downloading But I wonder why you don't want to do it via Marble if you are using it in Marble. The downloading stays the same.
(13 Dec '12, 17:10)
The tiles storage scheme is the same than on the server side. So you can generate your own tiles and put the zoom folders in .local/share/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/
(14 Dec '12, 12:26)
Sanderd17 - I tried to save maps theew marblem but i can seen to find where exactly marble saves the maps. maybe you know? NicolasDumoulin - my main question is how to build that zoom filder. and are the files in it end with 'dgml' or 'osm'?
(17 Dec '12, 16:27)
What operating system are you using? As Sanderd17 pointed out correctly the maps can be found under ~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap on Linux. On Mac OSX it should be: ~/.marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap and on Windows it's in your hidden AppData user folder inside the folder .marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap
(20 Dec '12, 00:39)
I'm not at all familiar with Marble but a quick poke around suggests that you might want to start reading here for an introduction to how Marble themes are set up. If you have Marble installed you'll have an " If you never wanted to get blocked from a tile server, you could try serving your own tiles. 2
No worries, Marble will refuse to download more than 100000 tiles from the OpenStreetMap Servers in a single action. Also the number of download threads is restricted. These restrictions have been made since we added this bulk-download feature to Marble.
(20 Dec '12, 00:44)
thanks SomeoneElse, but I dont want to setup a whole server ( for now..). I just want to download tiles and then, give them as input to marble, so it could work offline.
(23 Dec '12, 10:50)