Hallo, I have exported a couple of sections of the OSM Map using the export tab and saving as a Mapnik image. I would now like to use these images in ArcGIS. In ArcGIS I have created a point layer showing the map sections corner points (in WSG84). To my surprise the map sections didn't correspond with my corner points. The map sections have the form of a square, the corner poitns on the other hand a rectangle. In both cases I used the exactly same coordinates. Does anybody have an idea what the solution could be? |
The Mapnik image is generated using the Spherical Mercator projection. You have to set your ArcGIS to use that, not WGS84. The projection uses the codes EPSG:3857, sometimes also EPSG:900913. In older ArcGIS systems you might have to use ESRI:102100. |
ESRI should handle conversions on the fly, why does it not reproject the osm data to the projection of the project I had set the layer to convert to? |