I have KMZ files that need to be uploaded to Maps.me. I know others have been able to do it with their Apple phones. Mine is Android.

I clicked on the file and it states no app can upload and yet I have Maps.me.

I saw this online: Tap the file with bookmarks (KML or KMZ format) → choose "Open with MAPS.ME" in the pop-up window (if you have no other apps that support KML files, the file will be instantly open in MAPS.ME).

However, this is not the case. It does not open instantly or at all.

I left my issue on Play Store and the response was to contact OSM.org... Hence why I'm here.

Can anyone help?

asked 20 Jan, 15:56

DavidEdmundWhite's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What do you want to does with the KMZ? You can display them with some Garmin GPSes ( called garmin custom maps), Garmin Basecamp will also display one on a Win PC or and probably a Mac. Google Earth will also overlay a KMZ.

(20 Jan, 16:52) andy mackey

I am a Medic who needs lease/site maps to get to various locations of need be. We are in a remote area so the consultants have emailed us kmz/kml files to export/bookmark into Maps.me.

I have to use my Android phone.

Maps.me claims it can be done and I know my fellow coworkers have done it on their Apple phones.

I'd really appreciate some troubleshooting rather than extra confusing apps, sites and info. I'm not what they call tech savvy. But thanks for the effort! 👍🏼

(20 Jan, 16:59) DavidEdmundW...

Have you asked Maps.me thes Q&A is for help with OSM, but someone here may have the answer.

(20 Jan, 17:27) andy mackey

I have. No answers yet. Was hoping someone here could figure it out.

(20 Jan, 17:29) DavidEdmundW...

One Answer:

Hello I just tried with a kmz file from the internet using android and it worked. I downloaded to my downloads on the phone, then I browsed to the file and tapped it. A list of apps popped up of the ones capable of opening it along with mapsme in the list. I selected Mapsme and it opened fine.

permanent link

answered 20 Jan, 16:56

jackcolombia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I shall try this. Thanks for experimenting for me!

(20 Jan, 17:01) DavidEdmundW...

So I opened maps.me and I don't see where there is an option of adding a file. Could you be more specific?

(20 Jan, 17:09) DavidEdmundW...

maps.me has, what seems, a well-documented post on using kml/kmz: https://support.maps.me/hc/en-us/articles/207895029-How-to-import-bookmarks- It also explains another way, besides double-clicking the file: copying it into the app folder.

(21 Jan, 04:15) escada

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question asked: 20 Jan, 15:56

question was seen: 936 times

last updated: 21 Jan, 04:15

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