We have big buildings with several entrances.
Building has its number/name, each entrance is labeled A, B, C...
In wiki it is not quite well explained how to address each entrance in that case.
Building has addr:housenumber tag.
Entrances are tagged with entrance=yes.
Except that, how to add
Or simply Thanks. EDIT: Behind each entrance there are abt. 20-30 flats (apartments).
If the entrances have distinct (postal) housenumbers, adding the complete address to entrance it IMHO the best modelling, If the entrances have no bearing on the actual postal address just and name=A, name=B etc to them. Entrances are playing important role in the addressing of the apartments. See EDIT above. But 'housenumber' is more appropriate to go to building number. Or not?
(20 Nov '18, 15:29)
Hi lider -- can you give an example of the full legal postal address, including person's name, flat number, city name, postal code, etc?
Postal address is in the EDIT section. The question is - should I add 'addr:' tag to the entrances and how, having in mind that building also has 'addr:' tag.
Can you give a full example with a person's name, street name, city name, post code?